Going to the Sun Marketing
Whether you are a sole proprietor or a major corporation GTTS Marketing can help you if you are interested in exploring the opportunity to sell your products or services to the Federal government. Hundreds of Billions in products and services are purchased each year by Federal Contracting Officers.
The area is indeed very competitive, but for those firms that have unique items to offer or a better way to do something that the Federal government already does or you just believe your competitive position in your marketplace is a strong one, the opportunities are there to sell your goods or services to literally hundreds of Federal Agencies. Dealing with the Federal Government can be challenging and exhausting, but with the right assistance and guidance the rewards can be years of steady, high volume business.
Our Range of Services
Direct assistance in navigating Federal Government procurement channels: We review your product or service and ascertain if there is a need and if your product or service will be competitive in the Federal marketplace.
The various documentation required for even small bids can be daunting to firms not accustomed to the federal procurement process. We can provide both on site training and/or complete the documentation with you to ensure your bid will be accepted by the procuring official.
These rules and regulations are literally thousands of pages in length. It is essential that any bidding firm understand and comply with these regulations. We know them and we can review your bid to ensure it is fully compliant.
You won an award, now what? Don't panic, but don't ignore your contract requirements either. Know for sure what you must do and deliver your goods or services on time. We will be with you every step of the way to help protect your rights.
The Federal government goes out of its way to help small, women owned, and disadvantaged businesses succeed. Does your firm fall into one or more of these categories. If so we can help!
We have helped many firms whose contract was terminated, mostly thru no fault of their own. Just because the Contracting Officer tells you he/she owes you nothing does not mean that is the case. We have helped secure millions of dollars in termination costs and fees from cancelled contracts.
Contact Us
As a large food company we had always wanted to sell our products to the Military but had not had any success. GTTS was able to connect us to the Army and we now sell over $1 million of our products to them each year.

We were lost in the Federal bureaucracy and GTTS marketing was able to focus our efforts and get us in front of the right decision makers.

About Us
Michael Moffitt is President of GTTS, and brings over 25 years of hands-on, successful marketing, sales and executive leadership experience to the table. Prior to founding GTTS, he most notably served as the Director of Marketing and Sales for Whitefish Mountain Resort (previously known as Big Mountain Resort) in Whitefish, Montana, served as the Director of Marketing and Sales (public sector) for Cadillac Products, Inc (a national, multi-plant manufacturer of packaging materials), and was the Commanding Officer of a major Department of Defense manufacturing activity while serving as a Commander in the U.S. Navy.
Michael is a member (and past board member) of the Research and Development Associates, a nationwide consortium comprised of the food industry, the federal government, and academia dedicated to advancing food processing, packaging and preservation technology. He is also an active participant in both statewide and regional travel, tourism and recreational initiatives. Michael received his Masters in Business Management from Central Michigan University, and his undergraduate Economics degree from Pennsylvania State University.